Monday, December 19, 2011

Smooth as Silk

As I have previously shared, last Friday night and the weekend were very special for Barry and me.  It all began on Friday night when we entered into our weekly ritual of making sure Barry was well shaved between waist and min-thigh.  It is always a fun time for me, because it gives me a wonderful opportunity to tease and play with him.

Usually, I expect him to do as much as he can.  I then join him in the shower to complete the task.  However, this week, I joined him immediately.  That caught him off guard, which I loved.  I don't want to go into to too many details.  However, suffice it to say, we had a lot of fun as I immediately began to lather up his upper torso and started shaving!  It provided the opportunity for lots of teasing and sharing. Needless to say, I also made it clear that he had to control himself, which he did.

I also now love the smooth look all over his body.  I had previously loved the lines of demarcation at his waist and mid thigh.  However, this is an entirely new look, which is very sexy to me.  It provides some much needed new excitement to me (and I think for Barry, as well)
